Thursday, March 29, 2018
8:30am to 11:30am
Alphabet City, North Side
no later than
March 27th
Record Scratch
Meet-Up, No. 2
Space rental provided by Rare Oath
Light refreshments provided by TBD
This is a free event but donations are encouraged for
Women for the Future-Pittsburgh
(Cash day-of or online at your leisure!)
Invited Participants
Entrepreneurial women, in leadership roles and/or independent businesses
Brainstorm around conundrums and collaborations that, if properly solved, could help grow our businesses and networks. Each participant will have a turn (and roughly 20 minutes of time) to raise and discuss a specific challenge or topic.
Origin of Name
Depending on the context, a record scratch/freeze frame can be glorious or horrendous. So together, let’s increase our “f!@k yeah" moments by solving or avoiding the "oh, sh#t” ones.
Frequency + Location
At this time, the group plans to meet every 6 weeks at City of Asylum's Alphabet City Bookstore on the North Side. Alternate location suggestions and date confirmations will be discussed at the close of each meet-up.
Questions or comments?
Contact Katy Ladner at